Tuesday, April 8, 2008
20 days old and new location
The girls are 20 days old and growing fast. I moved them into the living room today next to the front window. They loved the sunshine coming through the window. I also got them a perch and put it in the brooder and took the top off...Lilly loved it! Speckles did her normal of flying up to the side and hopping onto me. I guess to her I am a more comfortable perch.
They also got their first taste of baked yams. I baked them plain, peeled them and gave them the firm center cut into small pieces. it was a frency in the brooder. The would chase the one who had a piece and then realized there was more on the plate and they went after it.
Later this week I will start getting the wood and such for their coop to start building it. They are all doing great, getting feathers and getting big. Maggie is the biggest one and the most matured. She is almost fulled feathered at 20 days.
Much more chicken news and fun to come.