So, back in August I purchased a Hovabator Genesis 1588 as a precaution of my broody being a dingbat. Thankfully it arrived after the broody has refused the eggs for a weekend. So, I put in BBS Orp and Delaware eggs from my dear friend Cyn as well as some of my mutt eggs. Cyn was so sweet and knowing how much I love her Blue Orp roo, Suede, she sent me some eggs from he and his girls. 21 days later...8 new fuzzy butts joined our family. Here they are at 1 day old:
The Crew
They are now 21 weeks old and a hoot. I am so in love with Thor and Cannonball, the two of them have unbelievable personalities. Here are pics of them now:
Sirius (back), Penelope (L) Severus (R)
So, I have their NPIP paperwork and next month they get their vet check and certificate and then we all move to Kentucky. I could not leave my babies behind. I will take 20 total and 9 of my 11 ducks. The rest will stay here in Oregon with a new family.